Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love After Love- Feast on your Life

حب بعد حب - إحتفل بحياتك

شعر: ديريك ولكوت
ترجمة: مجيد البرغوثي

سيأتي الزَّمانُ الّذي
تُرحِّبُ فيهِ، بزَهوٍ
بنفسكَ عندَ الوصولِ
إلى البابِ، بابكَ أنت، وحينَ تواجهُ مِرآةِ ذاتك أنتْ
وكُلٌّ يردّ تحيةَ صاحبهِ بابتسامة

وكلٌٌّّ يَقولُُ: تفضلْ هُنا بالجلوس. تناولْ طعاماًً
وثانيةً، سَتُحِبُّ الغريبَ الذي كانَ أنتْ
فقدِّمْ نَبيذاً وخبزاً، وأرجع لِقلبكَ قلبكَ
لذاكَ الغريبِ الذي قد أحبكَ دَوماً

طوالَ حياتكَ .. وهوَ الذي، إذْ بَدَا لكَ شخصاً
غريباًً، تجاهلتهُ .. وهو يعرفُ ذاتكَ عن ظهرِ قلبْ
تناولْ عن الرَّفِّ كلّ رسائل عهدِ الهوَى

وتلك الصورْ، ... وخواطركَ اليائسة
تفضلْ بتقشير صورتكَ الآنَ عن سَطحِ مرآتكَ .. اجلِسْ
وهيّا احتفِلْ بحياتكَ فهيَ الوَليمَة
Love after Love
Derek Walcott*
Translated by: Majeed Al-Barghouthi
The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored for another,
who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.


* Derek Walcott, Nobel prize winner- Literature- was born in 1930 in Lucia,
one of West Indies Islands. He is a poet and playwright who writes mainly in English
دريك والكوت، الحائز على جائزة نوبل في الآداب سنة 1992 ، ولد سنة 1930 في سانتا لوشيا إحدى
جزر الهند الغربية في الكاريبي، شاعر وكاتب مسرحي، يكتب أساساً باللغة اإنجليزية
تاريخ الترجمة: 23/5/2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Better Words in a Bitter World

Better Words in a Bitter World

You can be like a bee,
Giving people honey
And flying free,
With sweet words
That God gave to thee.
Yet you may defend yourself,
Without destroying the land and the sea;
The world becomes wonderful
As it should be,
But in a Bitter world like ours,
Better words do not please me

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quatrains on Invaders and their agents

Quatrains on Invaders and their agents

Talking with the invaders and their agents
Invaders do not like talking about invasion, justice and injustice, so shut up!
Or talk about the weather or dance and forget about the homeland.
Invaders change the course of talk and silence as they wish;
So, prepare yourself to change the course of history.

Talking about the invaders and their agents
Have you ever seen invaders coming from overseas?
Settling down in our land, around and above us, and their siege staying on?
With victims submissively endorsing invaders' right of self defense here against us?
Who, other than a donkey, endorses that?

Talking against the invaders and their agents
Moguls, Franks and the English rested for a while on our glowing coal, my boy;
Then they fled carrying their sticks, not our country, away;
Their love of our land grew – like that of their agents- in their pockets,
But ours, in our hearts, and forever shall remain.

Talking without ……
The little girl told me that a bird entered the class in the morning; mania prevailed;
Laughingly saying girls paid attention; looked; stood up shouting; drowsiness flew away;
The bird circled twice above us and fled away from the window's opening;
Then loud rang the bell.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

EU Stance

EU Extremely Ugly Stance Towards
Palestinian Freedom Fighters

Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid who visited Jabalia in Gaza strip on 25th January 2009 was quoted by reporters as saying the following:

"Public opinion is fed up to see that we are paying over and over again for infrastructure that will be systematically destroyed,” Then, instead of blaming Israel’s cast lead op against Gaza for such destruction, The EU Aid Commissioner blames Hamas and all freedom fighters in Gaza.

Reuters quoted the EU official as saying that Hamas had used civilians as "human shields" by placing operatives in residential areas”. Did he know that those “operatives” are all residents of Gaza strip defending their own homes, villages and cities? Did they have to defend the strip from the seashore or from moon?

He added that the years of terrorist rocket-fire on southern Israel served as a "provocation.”. Well, what about 60 years of Israeli occupation of Palestine and other Arab lands? Is occupation part of western civilization?

In another statement, He said: "I intentionally say this here - Hamas is a terrorist movement and it has to be denounced as such. Had he read any book about European Resistance Movements of World War II against the Nazi rule? Did he know that groups and organizations that opposed
Nazi rule in Europe from 1939 to 1945 were freedom fighters? Had he heard that Charles de Gaulle called on the French people to resist the Nazi occupation in his “call to honour”? Did the Commissioner want Palestinians to surrender? Palestinians are freedom fighter too.

The report also quoted Michel as saying that, "When you kill innocents, it is not resistance. It is terrorism.” Bravo! That applies to Israel! Who bombed Gaza children? Who killed more than 400 children in Gaza in addition to thousands of civilians? Who rained phosphorus bombs over Gaza?

Palestinians, Arabs, Moslems and people of conscience are fed up with such extremely ugly EU stance towards Palestinian freedom fighters.