Dear Americans,
Are you and the Israelis “more equal than others”?
"On Extremism and Moderation"
Are you and the Israelis “more equal than others”?
"On Extremism and Moderation"
Dear Americans,
Are Americans and Israelis more equal than others?
Do they have the right to occupy and oppress other nations?
Why don’t some of you ask the right questions like the above-mentioned ones or like the following ones?
What do extreme Arabs (including Palestinians) and Moslems want? Why are they called Extremists?
What do Arabs (including Palestinians) and Moslem Moderates want? Why are the called Moderates?
The answers to those questions reveal the right information that the U.S. Administration and most of the U.S Media try to hide from you.
The answers can be summed up in the following simple and single fact:
Arab and Moslem Extremists are those who do not accept the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the American occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Moderates are Arab and Moslem regimes who side with the invaders to protect their own narrow interests and prolong their stay in power against the will of the people.
Your Administration has been rendering blind support to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and parts of Syria and Lebanon. It has been rendering Blind support to the Israeli aggression and oppression against Palestinians and other Arabs and Moslems for a long time.
Moreover, the United States of America itself is occupying Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now, who is the extremist: The occupier or the occupied? The Israeli and U.S. bombers or Arab men and women and teens who have neither Apaches nor F15s?
As freedom and peace-loving nation, you do not and will not remain silent if America comes under the occupation of a foreign power. You will fight for your freedom.
Do you become extremists when you love your homeland? Do you become extremists if you defend your country and your beloved ones? That is what the so-called Arab and Moslem extremists have been doing since the occupation of their land by a foreign Power (Israel) in 1948 and since the occupation by the U.S. of Iraq (in 2003) and Afghanistan (in 2001).
So, next time you hear or read the word: terrorists or extremists or Islamists, remember that they are fighting for their freedom. Do you want a proof?
If Zionists with their army and weapons of mass destruction leave Palestine, and if the U.S. military goes back home, there would be no reason for anyone to fight against them; there would be no extremism and no moderation, because there is no occupation. We will have good relations and cooperation
Now you have good relations with Vietnam. Why? The war is over and the U.S. occupation of Vietnam is over. That applies to us too; that applies to all freedom and peace- loving nations.
We are all equals. Do you think that “you are more equal than others” as in George Orwell’s Animal Farm?
Nobody is born extremist or moderate; aggression and oppression make them so. So, ask the right questions to avoid further wars based on your administration’s lies.
Finally, asking the right question is like lighting a candle in the darkness of a Dark House.
Majeed Al-Barghouthi